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Dataproc Accelerator

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Product Overview

Windjammer Dataproc Accelerator is a software solution that accelerates Dataproc 2.x Spark while lowering costs and providing fast query fault tolerance and predictability. Dataproc Accelerator is 100% Dataproc/Apache Spark compliant and no changes are required to your workflow.  

Accelerate Dataproc 2.X/SPARK job and query runtimes by 3x with:​​

  • High Availability 

  • Cutting Dataproc 2.X/Spark cost/query to less than half

  • To deploy just add bootstrap-action into cluster creation in Dataproc console, scripts, or use Windjammer tools


Please email with any questions and to create a Windjammer Slack channel.
Deployment Guide
White Paper

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